Welcome to FinPharmaNet (earlier FinPharma Doctoral Program) web site!

FPDP has changed to FinPharmaNet at 1.1.2016! WWW content update is in progress 1.6.2016->.

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Former Clinical Drug Research Graduate School (CDRGS) merged in to FinPharma Doctoral Program (FPDP) which was earlier FinPharmaNet network. Clinical drug research (FPDP-C) is one of the four sections in FPDP. FPDP will have new web site in the Spring 2012.

CDRGS was founded 1995 and since then this national graduate school has had cooperation with universities in Helsinki, Kuopio, Tampere, Turku and Oulu in addition to university central hospitals, pharmaceutical industry and Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea). FPDP-C is supported by Ministry of Education and Culture. Some research projects are also supported by Academy of Finland and Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES). The chairman of CDRGS (until 2011) was Pertti Neuvonen, Professor in Clinical Pharmacology, University of Helsinki.
